New Mid Devon Council Chair, Frank Letch, vows to be “the face of the Council”.

On Wednesday 24th May former Crediton Mayor, and current Crediton Councillor, Frank Letch, was unanimously elected as the Chairman of the newly convened Mid Devon District Council.
Speaking at the meeting Councillor Letch said, "I found the turnout of voters at the recent Council elections very disappointing. This Council is spending local people's money and we have to convince them that participating in elections is in their interest. Too many people feel that voting doesn't matter. Well I think it does, and I promise the residents of Mid Devon I will make that case as the face and voice of Mid Devon District Council.
"I want to talk to the members of the county's voluntary organisations so they see the value of the Council. I hope to visit schools to explain to children and young people the importance of democracy and why they should be involved. As a former teacher I know how important it is to inspire pupils. Many of those now at school will be voters at the next District election in four years time. I want to make sure they take a full part in the democratic process."
Frank is joined on the Council by his wife Natalia who was elected to represent the Upper Yeo and Taw Ward.
Speaking after the meeting Frank said, "I'm obviously delighted to have been chosen as Chairman, but I think my grandson will be even more pleased. He knows I was Crediton Mayor and he always wanted to try on the Mayoral Chain of Office, well now I can let him try on the chain for the Chairman of Council."
As well as Chair of Council Frank will continue with his duties as Town, District and County Councillor. You can meet Frank at one of his regular surgeries, he's at the Crediton Farmers' Market on the first Saturday of each month.